TEFL packing list: what to take to your course in Spain
Once you’ve signed up to a TEFL course in Spain, one of the biggest questions you’ll have is what to pack for your big adventure. Just ask any TEFL Iberia graduate and they’ll tell you there are so many things they wished they’d taken with them, not to mention things they packed that they really didn’t need!...
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Can you work in Spain with a student visa?

For many people looking to live and work in Spain, securing a student visa has become one of the most popular routes.   But with so much confusion surrounding the issue, it can be quite daunting to even start to think about getting a Spanish visa. It...


How to Teach English in Barcelona: A Step-By-Step Guide

For those wanting to live and work in Barcelona, one of the best ways is to get a job teaching English in the city. The demand for good teachers in Barcelona is increasing, giving TEFL teachers plenty of employment opportunities. And with a dizzying ...


Online TEFL vs. In-Person TEFL: Which is the Best Option For You?

Are you a wannabe English teacher, stuck between the idea of taking a TEFL course online and learning to teach English in a traditional classroom environment? Ah, 21st century problems… Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The rise of remote learning means...


Free TEFL resources & lesson plans - where to find them

One of the most essential elements for any TEFL teacher is the lesson plan. It’s the all-important outline for each lesson, acting as a roadmap to help you stay on course for your teaching goals, learning outcomes and all-round objectives for your le...


The History of TEFL

Great, you’ve acknowledged your interest in teaching English as a foreign language. But before committing to a course, maybe you’re curious to know more about the background behind this expansive profession. In this blog post, we explore the rather r...


Can you teach English abroad without a degree?

More and more people are taking the life-changing decision to teach English abroad. With English teachers in such high demand all over the world, from Europe to Asia and everywhere in between, budding TEFL teachers have more opportunities than ever b...