TEFL packing list: what to take to your course in Spain
Once you’ve signed up to a TEFL course in Spain, one of the biggest questions you’ll have is what to pack for your big adventure. Just ask any TEFL Iberia graduate and they’ll tell you there are so many things they wished they’d taken with them, not to mention things they packed that they really didn’t need!...
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10 Best AI tools for TEFL teachers and how to use them

We’ve seen a seismic growth in the power and influence of Artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. For teachers, the fear is that AI is now so powerful, that it could soon make their jobs redundant.  Is this the end of teaching as we know it? We...


What qualifications do you need to teach English abroad?

Teaching English abroad is one of the most rewarding careers for those with an adventurous spirit and a desire to experience life in a different country. But for those looking to get into TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language), one of the big ...


Teaching English in Barcelona - Accommodation Guide

One of the first questions English teachers moving to Barcelona ask themselves is “where will I live?” Good accommodation in Barcelona is in demand. Prices have gone up a lot over recent years, making it harder than ever to find a good living space i...


Top 20 facts and stats about teaching and learning English

Are you interested in becoming a TEFL teacher and curious about the world of teaching English abroad? Do you have a passion for teaching and want to know more about learning English as a foreign language? We’ve compiled a list of some of the most enl...


Is a TEFL course worth it? Yes – and here's why…

If you’re one of the many people looking to pursue a career teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), you may be wondering if it’s worth it. Does TEFL pay a good salary? Is it rewarding? What kind of opportunities does it open up? There are so m...


Tefl vs. TESOL vs. CELTA vs. ESL

If you’re one of many people looking to teach English as a foreign language, it can seem quite daunting… especially with the many confusing acronyms and education lingo out there! Let’s simplify things, shall we? In this helpful guide, we thought we’...