TEFL packing list: what to take to your course in Spain
Once you’ve signed up to a TEFL course in Spain, one of the biggest questions you’ll have is what to pack for your big adventure. Just ask any TEFL Iberia graduate and they’ll tell you there are so many things they wished they’d taken with them, not to mention things they packed that they really didn’t need!...
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TEFL course fees explained

Doing a TEFL course is a large personal investment and you want to make sure you’re doing the right thing and getting value for money. Good training comes at a price and you shouldn’t be swayed by ‘too good to be true’ offers. Highly-qualified staff,...


5 questions you’re guaranteed to be asked in a TEFL job interview

Job interviews can be daunting, especially when you’re a newly qualified TEFL teacher with no paid experience of teaching English as a foreign language. But being well-prepared is half the battle, so here at TEFL Iberia we’ve pooled our interview exp...


When is the best time to do a TEFL course?

One of the questions we get asked by prospective students all the time is When should I come to do the course? Our TEFL courses run throughout the year, and depending on your post-course plans, there are certain times of year that are better for doin...


The five best brunches in Barcelona

The holidays are here, and there’s no better way to celebrate the fact that you’re not off to school in the mornings than going for a long, lazy brunch. If you’re in need of brunch inspiration, we’ve rounded up the most delicious brunches that Barcel...


A day in the life of a TEFL teacher

This week we sat down with Sarah, who’s been teaching English in Barcelona for four years, to hear all about her daily routine. If you’re considering a career as a TEFL teacher in Barcelona, this will give you an insight into what life is like! What ...


The pros of being a non native TEFL teacher

It’s a question we’re asked over and over again by prospective students: “English is my second language, can I still train to be a TEFL teacher?”  These doubts are understandable in an industry which regularly advertises for “native English teachers”...