TEFL packing list: what to take to your course in Spain
Once you’ve signed up to a TEFL course in Spain, one of the biggest questions you’ll have is what to pack for your big adventure. Just ask any TEFL Iberia graduate and they’ll tell you there are so many things they wished they’d taken with them, not to mention things they packed that they really didn’t need!...
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Best Calçotada in Barcelona

An essential wintertime experience while living in Barcelona, the calçotada is emblematic of the rustic charm of Catalan culture and the undisputed smoky-sweet star of the season. Let’s peel back the luscious layers and find out what it is, why it ma...


The Best Places to see Flamenco in Seville

With the unveiling of a new TEFL Iberia campus in Seville, and the announcement that our Seville Trinity CertTESOL course will begin in July 2023, we begin our Sevillian journey with the first of many blog post highlighting the incredibly dynamic and...


We Are Launching in Seville This Summer!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Trinity CertTESOL course location this summer!  Launching in Seville in July, we are excited to offer even more opportunities for language lovers to experience the thrill of teaching English abroad! Whe...


Can a non-native speaker teach English?

Many non-native English speakers around the world want to become English teachers. However, lots of aspiring English teachers worry that not being a native English speaker is a disadvantage. But is it? Let’s take a look at whether a TEFL career is p...


7 tips for moving to Barcelona

So, you’ve decided to take the life-changing, soul-shaking decision to move to, quite possibly, the greatest city in the world. Good for you… You’re going to love it! Still, ask any long time Barcelona expat and they'll tell you that there are a num...


Do I need to get accredited to teach English?

Teaching English as a foreign language is an amazing career choice. Not only is it incredibly satisfying to make a real difference in people’s lives and empower them to learn another language, but it gives you the chance to travel the world teaching ...