Barcelona’s busy transport system sees over 400 million journeys in a single year. And little wonder – affordable, reliable and well-designed, especially when compared to other travel systems throughout Europe – BCN’s public transport network makes i...
If you’re a student looking to study in Spain, getting hold of a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) is essential. In this article, we take a look at what this must-have health card is, what it does and the exact steps you need to take to obtain one....
In the midst of panic writing a 6,000 word dissertation in my deserted Bristol flat peak-pandemic, uprooting to a vibrant and sunny country to become an English teacher sounded more than ideal. Sure, I didn’t know a word of Spanish and had the confid...
Now that the oppressive heat of the Barcelona summer has left us, it’s time to enjoy the cooler weather. October is a great time of the year in Barcelona – so kick off those flip flops, swap shorts and summer dresses for those new jeans you’ve been w...
Barcelona is a cultural wonderland, with a seemingly endless number of incredible historical, artistic and enlightening things to see and do around the city. To make things even better, the local council regularly introduces cultural initiatives. Th...
For many people living in Barcelona, the autorización de regreso is a crucial document that they need to obtain before they travel. Yet, for something so important, there’s so little official information out there. To make matters worse, it’s seemi...
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