TEFL glossary: terms, acronyms & jargon
If you’re a budding TEFL teacher with dreams of teaching English abroad, chances are you sometimes get lost in the lingo of an industry teeming with acronyms and jargon. And with terms like DELE, CELTA, TESOL and TBL being thrown around, who can blame you?  But don’t let it overwhelm you! As an industry expe...
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Where to find an English-speaking hairdresser in Barcelona

Getting a haircut when living abroad is one of those rites of passage – having the confidence in your language skills to go to a hairdresser and explain exactly what you want really makes you feel like you’ve passed a milestone. But many of us strugg...


5 key skills for teaching English online

An increasing number of language lessons are taking place online. If you’re considering teaching English online, it’s important to be aware of the key skills you need to bring to the virtual classroom. Here are five essential abilities you’ll need to...


5 of the Best Spanish Language Podcasts

Learning a language has never been easier. Not only are there so many great language schools out there – with great teachers to boot 😉  – but with the rising popularity of podcasts, language learners are spoiled for choice. When it comes to amping u...


The five best workout spots in Barcelona

August is here, and with no more classes you’ve suddenly got a ton of free time and energy on your hands. So if getting in shape is one of your goals after a long and busy year but you don’t fancy being stuck in the gym, check out the best spots for ...


Top 5 Outdoor Activities in Catalonia

It’s best known as a city of great food, cosmopolitan cool, tech innovation and artistic expression. Yet, in the outskirts of Barcelona and beyond, there are amazing opportunities for those with a taste for adventure and a passion for the great outdo...


From Australia to Barcelona: Meet Jayde, our Director of Admissions

Where are you from and what were you doing before you came to Barcelona?  I am from the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Before I came to Barcelona I just finished my Business degree and was working in the travel industry saving the $$$$$ to move...