Many young people are at that point in their lives where they are weighing up the benefits of going straight to university or doing a gap year. In the UK certain UCAS application deadlines have passed and many students are now playing the waiting gam...
If you are new in Barcelona, have decided that you love it and want to stay forever, the best way to get set up with a regular job and good income is to teach English. Here are a few of the reasons you’ll enjoy it: 1. Your hourly rate is higher than ...
It’s been four years in the making, but Brexit has finally happened, meaning Britain has left the EU. If you are a UK citizen hoping to teach English in Europe, you’re bound to have lots of questions so we’re here to break down what the new changes m...
Brexit marks the end of freedom of movement and the right to work for Brits in Europe, meaning finding work as an English teacher is more tricky than before. But if you’re a UK citizen wondering how to get a job in Spain, don’t worry, we’ve got it co...
Reading outside class is a great way for your students to accelerate their language learning, and as teachers we are often asked for book recommendations. If your students are really keen you could even start a book club, and spend the last 10 minute...
We're pleased to offer free access to the full version of the webinar we did recently. TEFL & Coronavirus: Everything You Need to Know If you are thinking of getting qualified but not sure where to start and have doubts about restrictions and travell...
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