If you’re from the UK and you’ve always wanted to live and work in Europe, having Brexit burst your bubble must be quite a bitter pill to swallow. Meanwhile, for those outside of Europe looking to come and work in Spain, the challenges have always b...
Are you worried that post-Brexit bureaucracy means you can no longer make your dream move to Spain? Don’t be. While it’s certainly become harder for UK nationals to work in Spain, there’s a lovely little loophole. Here’s why teaching English as a f...
Let's face it, completing administrative tasks is never fun. We’ve all made the dreaded journey to a government office on the other side of town at some point, only to find there’s a huge queue or we’ve come to the wrong place. While this might be c...
If you're enrolled into a student visa course in Spain and you are from the UK, you might be wondering how to get an appointment at your local consulate to process your student visa. Below we have the steps you need to follow to easily set up an appo...
Overwhelmed by the idea of teaching online? Don’t be. Once you’ve got to grips with the key skills, all you need is to add a little ingenuity into the mix. Here are a few tricks of the trade that can help you to master the art of teaching in the o...
Getting a haircut when living abroad is one of those rites of passage – having the confidence in your language skills to go to a hairdresser and explain exactly what you want really makes you feel like you’ve passed a milestone. But many of us strugg...
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