TEFL packing list: what to take to your course in Spain
Once you’ve signed up to a TEFL course in Spain, one of the biggest questions you’ll have is what to pack for your big adventure. Just ask any TEFL Iberia graduate and they’ll tell you there are so many things they wished they’d taken with them, not to mention things they packed that they really didn’t need!...
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The five best sushi restaurants in Barcelona

If, like us, you spent December stuffing your face with cava, cheese, jamón and vermouth, then January is a good month to switch it up and explore the sushi scene in Barcelona. These are our favourite sushi restaurants but there are many many more, s...


The 7 best brunches in Barcelona

You’ve been teaching all week, it’s Sunday morning and you want some eggs. Good news – in the last few years Barcelona has embraced brunch with gusto, and there are great breakfast places all over town, all with their own spin on brunch. Read on for ...


Working as a Cambridge examiner in Barcelona

Brad MacDonald has been living and working in Barcelona for the last five years. A few years ago he started working for Cambridge as an exam supervisor and speaking examiner, so we caught up with him to find out how that ties in with TEFL teaching. H...


Who does a TEFL course?

Have you ever wished you could move abroad, but don’t think you have the right background to be an English teacher? Our students at TEFL Iberia come from all walks of life – you’d be surprised at the diversity of our trainee teachers. The university ...


The Best Bookshops in Barcelona

Bookshops are magical places. Dim shelves of books to be discovered, with ideas you’ve never considered before, stories you don’t know, languages you’re just learning to speak – every bookshop is a mine of possibilities. But who has time to indulge t...


5 Good Reasons to Study TEFL in 2021

As we wave goodbye (and good riddance!) to the strange and challenging year that was 2020, it’s time to start looking forward to the opportunities that await in 2021! Here at TEFL Iberia, we couldn’t be more excited to get back into the classroom wit...